Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer Update

I did a lot of training with Mace the beggining of the summer before I got a summer job.  I was also included into a class that he offered on Thursday afternoons for a local group of disabled individuals.  I had a great time.

In August I switched trainers, my new trainer is Sean.  We have had a few workouts together since and they have been very good.  I am very excited for changing up workouts it will keep my muscles always thinking and working.

I haven't been able to ride my bike as much as I thought I would this summer but I did do a very nice ride today with my family. 

Just a few more weeks until the season begins.  I am always looking for sponsors for my training both in the gym and on the hill, equipment and travel for my races.  My toal of 2014 is just around the corner so any little help you can provide that would be greatly appreciated. 

This summer has been a very busy one. I was nominated for a Special Recognation in Karate for the Black Belt Hall of Fame in Pittsburg, PA which will be in November.